To provide clients with robust mental strategies they can call upon as and when required to unblock unwanted problems, implement necessary change, enhance overall performance and reach their full potential.




I take a pragmatic approach to solving problems and achieving desired outcomes by looking at how thoughts, behaviours and actions work.

I provide both an effective framework and the necessary tools to make incredible improvements to your thinking, understanding, decision making and performance.

My mental performance coaching expertise is based around the principles and processes of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Everything I work with you on will be informative, effective, motivating and fun. I can make a significant difference to your performance in both your professional and personal life.

Click 'here' for more detailed information regarding appointments.




NLP is widely recognised as a means to effect positive change across many areas of life including business management, sport, education, sales, therapy and personal development.

It is the ultimate study of how we think, how we act and how we communicate. By using the multitude of techniques and interventions available, together with procedures, I am able to resolve any issues or concerns you may have in order to achieve the results you want.



...refers to our nervous system (our senses) and how we think. If we can understand our thinking patterns, we can also understand how this may influence us



..refers to how we use our language (both verbal and non verbal). If we can alter our language and use it correctly, we can change our thinking and communicate more effectively


...refers to the constant strategies we run in our daily lives to achieve results. By understanding these strategies we can either keep them, remove them or improve them



A set of central 'beliefs' are taken from different schools of psychology, anthropology and hypnotherapy amongst others. Listed below are a few which may possibly resonate:

If one person can do something, anyone can learn to do it - by modelling successful performance we can achieve excellence.

People have all the resources they need to succeed - there are no unresourceful people, only unresourceful states.

There is no failure, only feedback - If there is no failure, there can be no fear of failure.

The most important information about a person is their behaviour - to gain an understanding of a person, the best and most important way is to calibrate their behaviour.

The mind and body are parts of the same system - it is impossible to change one without affecting the other.

The person with the most flexibility of behaviour controls the system - if a person has one way of behaving or communicating and you have more than one way, you will control the outcome.

Food for thought, I'm sure you'll agree. I can help you understand these 'beliefs', and others, in more depth as they can have a profound impact on our day-to-day lives.

By using the various NLP techniques and interventions available we are all able to benefit in some form or other. Of this I am convinced.




"NLP may be the most powerful vehicle for change in existence."
- Modern Psychology

"NLP could be the most important synthesis of knowledge about human communication to emerge since the 1960s."
- Science Digest