These beliefs allow us to change the way we think, feel and behave.
These beliefs can affect positive change.
These beliefs can improve our results.
The Map Is Not The Territory
If you look at a map, it does not actually consist of the territory it represents. It is merely a representation.
This is EXACTLY the same as our version of reality. The world we live in is made up of billions and billions of bits of information. This information is filtered and re-constructed by our brain. We can picture an event, we can hear it, feel it, taste it and smell it but we CANNOT represent an event exactly as it exists.
Therefore, two or more people can witness the same event and yet recall that event differently. This is a powerful concept to take on as it means that if we are not happy with what we are experiencing, we don’t have to change ‘reality’, we simply change the map!
Experience Has A Structure
Every thought or memory that we have has a structure or pattern. By changing the structure of a thought or memory it changes our whole experience.
This can be done by changing our internal representation of our experience.
If One Person Can Do Something, Anyone Can Learn To Do It
By modelling successful performance, anyone can achieve excellence. By establishing how a high achiever thinks and operates, we can replicate similar results.
People Have All The Resources They Need To Succeed
There is no such thing as non resourceful people, there are only non resourceful states.
If someone tells you they have ‘zero confidence’, the chances are that this only exists in one particular area of their life, not in everything. Therefore, confidence IS a resource available to them.
The Meaning Of A Communication Is The Response It Gets
Because we all filter information differently, we all possess a unique model of the world. For this reason, what we communicate may actually get a different response to the one we intended.
Therefore, when you get frustrated with someone for not understanding, you can alter your communication to achieve the desired result.
There Is No Failure, Only Feedback
This is a great way to see the world. It is also very useful in a sports context because if you believe there is no failure, then there can be no fear of failure, which is a massive positive when performing.
Whenever you do something, you get a result. Sometimes it’s the result you desired, sometimes it’s not. When the latter occurs, it’s so easy to say ‘I’ve failed’. People who excel do not think in terms of failure. They look at the result and look to modify it.
There is a saying “if you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got”. To change this, simply study your results and modify.
People Make The Best Choice They Can At The Time
As individuals we make our choices based upon the resources available to us at any particular time.
We can only make our choices from OUR OWN knowledge and experience that we possess. Only through new learnings and experiences are we able to make different choices.
The Person With The Most Flexibility Of Behaviour Will Control The System
This means that if someone has only one way of behaving or communicating in any given situation and you have several, you are the more likely to control the outcome.
Problems often continue longer when there is no degree of flexibility or options available.
A great example of this from a sporting context would be two golfers. If golfer A can only drive the ball well but golfer B can drive it, pitch it, chip it and putt it well, then there is only one winner!
You Are In Charge Of Your Mind And Therefore Your Results
It is very easy in life to attribute external factors to your problems. There are many available and some may well be valid. However, by taking control of your thought processes, you can affect positive change and create the behaviours you wish to have.
Every Behaviour Has A Positive Intention
Even the most negative or malicious behaviour has a positive intention. The key is to separate the intention from the behaviour as a person isn’t always their behaviour.
When people get angry, they often show a side that they cannot control. The positive intention is that they care about the issue at hand. The situation doesn’t necessarily define an angry ‘person’, it defines an angry ‘behaviour’.
It is always possible to choose better choices of action to achieve a positive intention in a more resourceful fashion.
The Most Important Information About A Person Is Their Behaviour
In order to gain a good understanding of a person, the best way is to study their behaviour.
For example, you may explain something to someone who in agreement says “yes” but at the same time their face looks confused. The reply may be “yes” but the behaviour says “no”.
The behaviour is a signal from the unconscious mind and tells you far more than words.
Resistance Indicates A Lack Of Rapport
Whenever you find extreme resistance from someone, this shows that you lack rapport.
There are very rarely terribly resistant people, only ineffective communicators. By gaining rapport with anyone, it is possible to break down barriers.
There are ways and means of doing this.
The Mind And Body Are Parts Of The Same System
People often discuss the mind and body as being stand alone entities, working separately from one another.
However, the mind and body cannot work independently. It is impossible to change one without affecting the other.
When we alter our physiology, it changes how we think and feel. When we think in a certain way, it changes our physiology.
A Game Changer says...
Some of the above will definitely have more resonance than others.
By referring to and using any one or several of the above principles, I have no hesitation that they will be of huge benefit, be it in your personal or family life, when around friends & colleagues, within the workplace or when practising & playing the sports you love.
Start integrating some of these principles into your daily life to notice how it can change the way you consider and view the world around you. The results will follow.