Happy New Year Everyone
At the start of a new year it is customary to set off at break neck speed with wonderful intentions of the new and the better.
In theory everything appears straightforward - you are pumped up, you know what you want and you set your targets - but in practice it is often very different.
Q: How many times do we set a new year’s resolution only to fall short and break it within the first few weeks?
A: If we are being honest, I’d imagine the answer is ‘Many’.
So, in order to get this right and start 2015 off as you’d like, let’s consider the right processes in order to help you achieve your goals.
Know Where You Are
When setting a goal, firstly you need to understand exactly what your present situation is? And secondly, is there anything stopping you from achieving your wanted outcome?
Be Specific
In order to set effective goals, it is important that they are specific. The more specific, the better the chance of you reaching it. (Detail, Detail, Detail).
Ensure It’s Measurable
For a specific goal to be effectively set, it is crucial to make it measurable otherwise you will have no way of knowing what had to happen to get there.
Is Your Goal Achievable?
Any goal you set must be within the realms of possibility. The way to know this is by removing any personal limitations and asking yourself if it is achievable?
Am I Being Realistic?
Only you can know whether a goal set is realistic or not. People have different perceptions on what is realistic. It is important that YOU are certain that it can and will happen.
Establish A Time Frame
It is nigh on impossible to achieve a goal without setting some form of time frame. The time frame should be as specific as possible. (DO NOT say “One day….”).
Not Too Big (NTB)
Finally, whenever you set a new goal make sure that it is NTB! This is a common recipe for disaster. Make any target incremental and achieve it steadily.
By referring to the seven parameters listed above, you will stand yourself in good stead when setting up any new year’s resolutions or goals going forward. Last but not least, don’t make setting a goal a burden! Make it a challenge and have fun with it! If your goal feels like a burden then it is either the wrong goal or it is has been set incorrectly.
A Game Changer Says…
Very few of us actually set our goals effectively. In fact, it has been estimated that only 5% of people set efficient and effective goals.
Goal setting is important in all walks of life. In a sporting context, having no goals would be like playing golf without a hole or snooker without the pockets!
Goals are vital in both the short and long term. In business, they help to propel a vision and also act as motivation. They can assist with focus, performance, achievement and confidence.
Success will ultimately depend on how, and the way, they are set.
There is a lot of attention to detail, intricacies, consideration and also personal understanding required when setting goals. Success in this arena can be more complex than it may look.
For further assistance and a more in depth look at how best to achieve your desired goals and outcomes for 2015 please do not hesitate to get in touch.